The strongest point of the bill is that a family with a smaller number of children will be living a better life than the family that has more children. If parents only have few (1 to 3) children they have the capability to send their children to college which will give a brighter future.
The reason why this country is still drowning in poverty is because poverty begets poverty. Poor begets poor children which in turn beget poor children. If a person just went to elementary school because of poverty chances are he will be poor because can just accept janitorial or similar jobs. When he/she gets married and have children, chances are his children will follow his footsteps and the cycle repeats again.
If I were a senator or congressman I would be very hard headed to push a bill that does not only encourage the use of contraceptives but limits a family to have at most two children. In china, it's one-child policy. In the Philippines, two-child policy is enough. In this bill parents should be punished by imprisonment for at least 3 years if they violated this law. I believe that that is just fair because it is more evil when couple irresponsibly beget children that they cannot even feed at least three times a day. Having children just to starve them because you can no longer feed them is for me a form of torture and major criminal offsense. If you know that you are poor, that you can barely feed yourself then why have another innocent mouth to feed?
People should realize that having children is the biggest responsibily in the world. If you think that you have the right to have a child then the unborn child also has the right to the basic needs of life: food, shelter, clothing and most importantly COLLEGE EDUCATION!If I were a lawmaker in this country I would be very tough and persistent in pushing a bill into law that limits the number of children a couple can have based on their capacity to provide their children a college education. If a couple do not have a stable job/income then they should be limited with 1 child. If they have a stable job/income they can have at most 3 children.
Another very important bill that should be passed into law is a bill that harshly punishes those who deny their chilren education especially college education. The reason why there are so many children of poor parents who did not finish college is that many of them discourage their children to go to school. Poor parents want their children to help them plow the farm fields! They want their children to be their slaves! I have seen a lot of families in squaters area whose parents use their children to do labor work like sell food, stuffs and do things which are their duties. They are the parents and therefore they must be the one making a living for their children. There are so many children in the Philippines who are victims of their own parents. There should a tough law to punish them.