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Monday, April 11, 2011

Bro. Ellie Soriano Scandal and Controversies

Bro. Ellie Soriano is the leader and founder of Christian organization Ang Dating Daan. Bro. Ellie Soriano is a clever and intelligent preacher and religious leader. In fact, I owe it to him my different view of religion and God. It was Bro. Ellie who enlightened me on what really the Bible, religion and God are. When I was in high school I did not understand the concept of angels, gods, God the Father and Jesus Christ. When I came across a program on TV Ang Dating Daan, I was attracted to it because of the stunning ability of Bro. Ellie Soriano in answering random questions thrown by his live listeners. Soriano's style of preaching is philosopical, historical and not literal interpretation of the text written in the Bible which was the kind of teaching that I was looking for.

Unfornately, Soriano's great talent is negated by controversies or scandals. One of these controversies was the use of taboo word or expression in his radio and tv shows. He was othen caught saying the word "gago" which generally considered a taboo word or "mura" in the Philippines. Several years ago when people hear the word Bro. Ellie Soriano, people often say "Ay nagmumura naman yan". His TV was once suspended by MTRCB due to violations like this. However today, Soriano no longer says these words and it looks like he has matured in preaching God's word and evangilizing people.

Another issue that sorrounds Bro. Ellie Soriano is his sexuality. Because Bro. Ellie chose to remain single, there are issues thrown by his detractors that he is a gay and that he was involved in a molesting act. There were also reports that in the tabloids, newspaper and tv that alledged that he molested a male member of his organization. However, this allegation was not proven in court and I believe it was just a demolition strategy by his detractors.

Had Bro. Ellie not acted inappropriately (saying bad words) in his tv and radio shows, he could have been the most popular Christian evangilizer not just in the Philippines but in the world. His mastery of the text of the Bible is really amazing.

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