Is the death of Trina Etong Failon a Suicide or Parricide? Last day the entire nation was shocked by the news about the death of the wife of one of the most popular personality in the Philippine news and broadcasting industry. I first heard the news when in a radio program and an unconfirmed report said that ted Failon killed his wife inside his car during the quarrel between them. I was so shocked that i could'nt believe what I just heard. How could Ted Failon do that? How could a gentle and honorable person do such brutal crime to his own wife?
However after several hours of listening to broadcast from tv and radio of the latest development, it became clear that Trina Etong was not shot inside the car of Ted Failon but was shot inside the comfort room of Ted Failon's residence. This was suppported by the evidence found: a mark of bullet shot inside the c.r. and the blood stains scattered on the wall according the a test conducted by the investigators. However, what makes this case so complicated is the cleaning and removal of the evidence on the crime scene. It is said that this was done unintentionally by the maids in of the household. This does not only make the case hard to solve but also increases the suspicion that Ted Failon or some member of the family is involved in the crime.
Based on the latest development I believe that Trina Etong committed suicide and there was no parricide thing that happpened. Based on the evidence that a gunshot was found on the right and left side "sintido" of the victim. The direction of the bullet is almost perpendicular to the head which means that before the gun was shot it was well positioned on the head. Most of the time it only happens to victims of suicide because this is almost the instinct of the person committing a suicide using a gun. A man who attempts to kill himself using a gun most of the time, as an instinct, points the perpendicular to his head. Another position is to point the gun inside his mouse. However, pointing the gun perpendicular to one's head is almost the natural way. It is very unlikely that Ted Failon pointed the gun on that perfect position and shot his wife. Chances are when somebody shot a person the victim will very less likely to get hit on the side of his head especially the "sintido" but on the front portion of the head or the back.
Another thing that convinced me that suicide happened is the account of Trina's friend. Trina's friend admitted that trina told her about her problem and that she is ready to die right after her daughter's graduation. It is very unlikely that her friend is lying or is being paid to tell a lie. She looks professional decent and educated. The maids are less likely to be a part of the conspiracy. From my expercience, being invloved in a conspiracy that involves this type of crime is far complicated for them. Chances are the maids will tell the truth that being involved in this complex and dangerous case.
That said, suicide was the cause of her death.